My presentation, “Deconstructing Distribution – It’s All About the Customer” for the Leading Hotels of the World Sales, Marketing & Distribution Conference in Bonn, Germany focused on the luxury hotel and resort customer, hospitality industry distribution channels and the future innovations that may be expected to impact the global hotel industry.
Mobile Marketing Best Practices – HSMAI Resort Special Interest Group
Presentation at Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Resort Best Practices Meeting by Robert Cole of RockCheetah. Key areas covered include the current mobile landscape, why mobile dramatically changes the playing field and how the splinternet introduces deployment and measurement challenges. Traveler Engagement must be considered before technology decisions can be made. Future implications are simply described as changing Anytime/Anywhere to Everytime/Everywhere.
Big Brother in 1984 Apple Macintosh Ad was Steve Jobs!
When Apple introduced the MacIntosh computer during the 1984 Super Bowl, Steve Jobs defined the Apple brand promise by daring a community of creative individuals to fight conformity, support innovation and combat overbearing corporations. Too bad that a quarter century later, Apple’s strategies have begun to make Steve Jobs look a lot like Big Brother from that commercial. By controlling the hardware, software and advertising platforms of its mobile devices, Apple has created a totalitarian state that is making decisions for its customers and inhibiting access to information. This former fanboy is disappointed.
HITEC Presentation: Mobile Distribution – No, It’s Not Billboards and Neon Vacancy Signs
It was great to see that attendance rebounded healthily at the annual Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals HITEC conference, held in Orlando, Florida June 21 – 24, 2010. The good news was that I had been selected to speak on a subject that combined two of the hottest topics in technology and travel: Mobile Hotel […]