My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-04-19

You nailed it – RT @narendra: Watching my dog pee this morning I realized they have been playing @foursquare forever. # @WAYN No – did not contact support. They can't recall the 2,000+ e-mails / damage is done. Relationship is unsalvageable in reply to WAYN # Total #fail by @WAYN: unselected all, but invite e-mails […]

What Las Vegas Casino Hotel Does Social Media Best?

This poll is designed to evaluate the most popular casino hotel in Las Vegas when it comes to social media. The results will indicate the “Socularity” of the Las Vegas casino hotel that those surveyed feel engages their community most effectively through social media. The question for this week’s RockCheetah poll is “What Las Vegas Casino Hotel Does Social Media Best?”

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-04-12

@augieray The @forrester blog policy put Experience: the Blog on hiatus, but they still allow this side business? # If you had to choose, what would select as THE BEST way to book leisure travel? This week's poll: Pls RT # RT @lpusastaff: Time's running out: Want shiny new #iPad & new @LonelyPlanet […]

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-04-05

Reading this can prevent a lot of pain RT @LisaBarone: 10 Reasons You Should Run Like Hell From Social Media # Great mix in travel Trustularity #poll @EliteTravelGal Agent; @hharteveldt Analyst; @ranflyer Freq Flyer # Top 3 in Most Trusted Travel Authority #poll @EliteTravelGal (19%) @hharteveldt (17%) @ranflyer (14%) # Who is […]

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-03-29

Hmm. Only people not receiving votes so far in "Most Trusted Person in Travel" #poll are Sabre, Travelport & Expedia CEO's # By request, Susan Black (@Susantravels) has been added to "Who is Most Trusted in Online Travel?" #poll # Who is the Most Trusted Authority in Online Travel? Vote now & please Re-Tweet […]

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-03-22

RT @TechCrunch: Google Shuts Down Chinese Search, Redirects To Hong Kong – by @arrington # @Gadling Wow, glad I didn't suggest "Salacious gossip & innuendo culled from the dumpster of the global travel business" 馃檪 in reply to Gadling # Recommend @Gadling updates its profile from "I am a travel blog" to "We write […]

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-03-15

Drum roll, please… RT @augieray: Twitter Expected To Take The Wraps Off Advertising Platform Today # MKE Airport: 13 minutes from wheels down to bag on the conveyor + in the car 4 minutes later. That's pretty quick #airline # .@continental gate agent says they found a Captain for our flight. If it's Leslie […]

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-03-08

Off to @ITB_Berlin & @PhoCusWright Looking forward to a great week. Flying #CO96 #pcitb #itb # Very Scary RT @ebertchicago: If you thought Trekkers were obsessed, meet the Avatar people of Wisconsin # RT @ebertchicago: Always a letdown at 5 p.m. when they replace the red carpet pros with ABC's clueless "first team" #oscars […]

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-03-01

Twitter Justice: Calls to #Boycott #NBC #leno #marriageref & #parenthood as punishment for interrupting #Olympics closing ceremonies # @THErealDVORAK Hawaiinews now has a webcam on Hilo Bay – can see water level rising & falling – amazing in reply to THErealDVORAK # @jenleo It's ironic that Trump "the man" and Trump "the hotel" are […]

My Twitter Digest for the Past Week 2010-02-22

@HyattConcierge Don't get me wrong, I'm a Hyatt fan – just not a fan of policies that need reevaluation & present unnecessary obstacles # @HyattConcierge Add'l Hyatt Dearborn issue: T-mobile DayPass users (paid $7.99 elsewhere) Can't access lobby wifi – requires room number # @HyattConcierge Exactly – is it customer friendly/intuitive 2 charge 4 wifi […]