A presentation by Robert Cole, CEO of RockCheetah titled Mobile: How Signals, Touchpoints, and Moments Create Engagement, Conversion and Loyalty, for the Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Revenue Optimization Conference on June 22, 2016.
HSMAI Revenue Optimization Conference: Mobile – How Signals, Touchpoints and Moments Create Engagement, Conversion and Loyalty
Is a Facebook Like Button Click for Website Access Evil?
K2 Ski Company recently shut down its corporate website and directed all users to its Facebook fan page for an exclusive preview of its new 2010 ski line. Many organizations are getting creative to build Facebook communities, but in some cases, the techniques utilized, while innovative, may cause users to click a Facebook Like Button to access the website. Widely referred to as “Like-bait”, where should the line be drawn that separates clever marketing from something that undermines the value and intended use of Facebook’s Like functionality?