A webinar sponsored by ReviewPro covering Social Media Strategies for hotels held December 10, 2013 featuring: Daniel Edward Craig, Reknown, Robert Cole, RockCheetah; Suzie Wotton, Red Carnation Hotels; and Adele Gutman, Library Hotel Collection
How Big Data, Deep Web & Semantic Technologies Change Travel Marketing
Big Data, The Deep Web and the Semantic Web are all buzzwords that are bandied about, but they represent very real technologies that will dramatically alter the foundations of travel marketing. Robert Cole’s Keynote presentation to the 2013 Association of Travel Marketing Executives addresses the main benefits of deploying the technologies. Incredible opportunities exist for those who smartly plan to adopt the technologies to effectively engage with travelers.
Mobile Marketing Best Practices – HSMAI Resort Special Interest Group
Presentation at Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International (HSMAI) Resort Best Practices Meeting by Robert Cole of RockCheetah. Key areas covered include the current mobile landscape, why mobile dramatically changes the playing field and how the splinternet introduces deployment and measurement challenges. Traveler Engagement must be considered before technology decisions can be made. Future implications are simply described as changing Anytime/Anywhere to Everytime/Everywhere.
Future Lodging Trends and Emerging Technologies – Wisconsin Hotel and Lodging Association
The closing keynote address for the Wisconsin Hotel & Lodging Association, Future Lodging Trends and Emerging Technologies, targeted the rapidly changing business landscape and the need to address many fundamental changes impacting marketing and technology. Topics covered included: Web 1.0, Web 2.0 & Web 3.0; Four Traveler Mandates; Five New P’s of Marketing; Six Business Impacts and the Seven Phases of Travel. The WH&LA Annual Conference and Tradeshow was held at Hotel Sierra in Green Bay, Wisconsin on October 26, 2010.